Today healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular both with the old and the young. People have become more health-conscious. They say that the greatest wealth is health. And it’s so true. The healthier we are, the better we feel. The better we feel, the longer we live.
A healthy diet is an essential part of staying healthy. We know that we should not stuff ourselves with fast food, sweets, sausages, pastry and fat food. Due to medical research, this type of food shortens our life, it leads to obesity, heart and blood vessels diseases, diabetes, gastric problems and lots of other serious ailments. To prevent all these problems we should enjoy well-balanced home-made meals with a lot of organic fruits, vegetables, dairy products, grains and seafood. We are what we eat.
Keeping fit and going in for sports is also important for our health. Lack of exercise in our life is a serious problem. In big cities people spend hours sitting in front of computers, TV-sets and other gadgets. We walk less because we mainly use cars and public transport. We certainly don’t have to be professional sportsmen, but we should visit fitness clubs, go jogging, walk much, swim, go cycling or roller-skating or just dance. Doctors say that regular moderate physical activity is necessary for our body because it protects us from strokes and heart diseases, flue and obesity.
We must understand the harm of bad habits for our health. Smoking, drinking or taking drugs mean serious illnesses and even death from lung cancer or liver diseases, for instance. Cigarettes kill about 3 million heavy-smokers every year. Drug addicts die very young. So I think there is no place for bad habits in a healthy way of life.
Taking a proper rest and getting enough sleep, from 8 to 10 hours daily, are also great healthy habits. Sleep is the food for our brain and the rest for our muscles. Moreover we should avoid getting nervous or worried for no reason.
Healthy way of life concerns our body, mind and soul. Healthy people live longer, they are more successful and they enjoy their life. I believe that it’s not difficult at all to follow these simple rules, and they are worth it.
Сегодня здоровый образ жизни становится все более популярным среди молодых и пожилых. Люди стали более внимательными к своему здоровью. Говорят, что здоровье – это самое большое богатство. И это чистая правда. Чем здоровее наш организм, тем лучше мы себя чувствуем. Чем лучше мы себя чувствуем, тем дольше мы живем.
Здоровая диета – важная часть здоровой жизни. Мы знаем, что мы не должны заполнять свой организм едой фаст-фуд, сладостями, колбасными и мучными изделиями, жирными продуктами. Согласно медицинским исследованиям, такая еда сокращает жизнь, ведет к ожирению, заболеваниям сердца и кровеносных сосудов, диабету, желудочным проблемам и многим другим серьезным недугам. Для того, чтобы предотвратить эти проблемы, нам следует наслаждаться сбалансированной домашней едой, богатой органическими фруктами, овощами, молочными продуктами, злаками и морепродуктами. Мы есть то, что мы едим.
Оставаться подтянутым и заниматься спортом – это тоже важный момент для нашего здоровья. Недостаток движения в нашей жизни является серьезной проблемой. В больших городах люди часами сидят перед компьютером, телевизором и другими гаджетами. Мы меньше ходим пешком, поскольку пользуемся, главным образом, автомобилями и общественным транспортом. Разумеется, мы не обязаны становиться профессиональными спортсменами, но нам нужно посещать фитнесс-клубы, заниматься бегом, много ходить, плавать, кататься на велосипеде или роликах или просто танцевать. Врачи утверждают, что регулярная умеренная физическая активность необходима для нашего тела, так как она защищает нас от сердечных заболеваний и приступов, гриппа и ожирения.
Мы обязаны понимать пагубное влияние вредных привычек на наше здоровье. Курение, алкоголизм и наркомания означают серьезные заболевания и даже смерть от рака легких или заболеваний печени, к примеру. Сигареты убивают около 3 миллионов курильщиков ежегодно. Наркоманы умирают очень молодыми. Поэтому, я считаю, что в здоровом образе жизни нет места для вредных привычек.
К здоровым привычкам также относятся хороший отдых и достаточный сон, от 8 до 10 часов ежедневно. Сон – это пища для нашего мозга и отдых для наших мышц. Более того, нам следует избегать нервничать или беспокоиться без особого повода.
Человечество слишком долго ведет себя на планете как неразумный хозяин. Создавая удобства для комфортной жизни, мы напрочь забыли о том, что ресурсы природы вовсе не безграничны. Что жить в городах с грязным воздухом, придется нашим детям. Настало время вспомнить о том, что природа не прощает ошибок. Мы должны позаботиться о ней, вспомнить, что мы сами — часть этой природы. So, is it ok to bite the hand that feeds?
Essay on Environmental Protection
Our planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, and it is so far the only place where human beings can live.We always polluted our surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a huge problem. People lived in the countryside and couldn’t produce such amount of pollution that would lead to a dangerous situation on a global scale.
With the development of industrial cities, which create huge amounts of pollutants, the problem has become real. Nowadays our planet is in serious danger. Global warming, acid rains, air and water pollution, overpopulation are the problems that threaten human lives on the Earth.
Every year world industry pollutes the air that we breathe with. A great number of cities suffer from smog. Rainforests are cut down. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result, some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants are extinct. A lot of seas, rivers and lakes are filled with poison like industrial and nuclear wastes, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The pollution of air and the world"s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man"s careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crisis.
People should consider their attitude to the environment. Some progress has already been made in this direction. Numerous conferences have been held by a lot of agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass and Chernobyl. Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.
What can we do to save our planet? First of all, people should switch to alternative forms of power, such as solar power or wind power. Secondly, the use of atomic power must be banned. Thirdly, we need to recycle. It’s the art of turning waste into new products. It would be a good idea if people started riding bicycles instead of driving cars. We are obliged to protect nature. If everybody cares, it will make a difference.
Сочинение на тему Защита окружающей среды
Наша планета Земля — всего лишь крошечная часть вселенной, и на данный момент это единственное место, где могут жить люди.Мы всегда загрязняли окружающую среду. Но до сих пор загрязнение не было такой огромной проблемой. Люди жили в сельской местности и не могли производить такое огромное количество загрязнения, которое могло бы привести к опасной ситуации в глобальном масштабе.
С развитием промышленных городов, которые производят огромное количество загрязняющих веществ, проблема стала реальной. В наши дни наша планета находится в серьезной опасности. Глобальное потепление, кислотные дожди, загрязнение воздуха и воды, перенаселенность — это проблемы, которые угрожают жизни людей на Земле.Каждый год мировая промышленность загрязняет воздух, которым мы дышим. Огромное количество городов страдает от смога. Тропические леса вырубаются. Их исчезновение нарушает баланс кислорода. В результате исчезают редкие виды животных, птиц, рыб и растений. Много морей, рек и озер заполнены ядом: промышленными и ядерными отходами, химическими удобрениями и пестицидами. Загрязнение воздуха и мирового океана, разрушение озонового слоя является следствием небрежного взаимодействия человека с природой, признаком экологического кризиса.
Люди должны обдумать свое отношение к окружающей среде. В этом направлении уже достигнут определенный прогресс. Различные организации проводят многочисленные конференции для обсуждения проблем, с которыми сталкиваются экологически бедные регионы, включая Аральское море, Южный Урал, Кузбасс, Донбасс и Чернобыль. Организация «Гринпис» также делает много для сохранения окружающей среды.
Что мы можем сделать, чтобы спасти нашу планету? Прежде всего, люди должны переключиться на альтернативные формы энергии, такие как солнечная энергия или энергия ветра. Во-вторых, использование атомной энергии должно быть запрещено. В-третьих, нам нужно перерабатывать. Это искусство превращения отходов в новые продукты. Было бы неплохо, если бы люди начали кататься на велосипедах, а не водить автомобили. Мы обязаны защищать природу. Если все будут заботится, это изменит ситуацию.
Похожие сочинения
Do you know the famous phrase "We are what we eat"? The saying is as old as the hills and means that to be fit and healthy you need to eat proper food.
Do you think carefully about the food you eat or you just don"t care? Your answer will fully determine your health condition. Nowadays we have a generally accepted pearl of beauty which is foisted on us by the fashion industry. A beautiful girl is suggested to be very slim and even skinny, tall, long legged and long armed. Many girls do their best to look like top-models whom they see every day on advertisement hoardings and on TV But this glossy beauty, which in most cases is made in special computer programmes, conceals a huge problem, sometimes a mortal problem.
Compared with adults, children need more nutrients, as bones, muscles and blood system in their bodies are developing. These nutrients: carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, protein and fat provide us with energy necessary for growth, tissue repair, immunity and metabolism. Nowadays there is a tendency among teenagers to follow different diets in order to be in line with their idols. Unfortunately, a passion for diets may turn out a real tragedy. It is very important to keep in mind that you mustn"t go on a diet without consulting a dietician beforehand; otherwise it may be really dangerous for your health.
There are girls who try to keep a healthy diet, it may be vegetarian, dairy product or rice diet. However, there are also girls who are sure that the less they eat the healthier they are. And that"s a great mistake. When preoccupation with being thin takes over your eating habits, thoughts, and life, it"s a sign of a psychic disorder. An eating disorder is an illness which causes deep concern about your everyday diet. Eating disorders frequently appear during the teen years. One of the well-known types of eating disorder is anorexia.
When a person has anorexia, the desire to lose weight becomes more important than anything else. He may even lose the ability to see himself from the side. Because of a person"s dread of growing fat or disgust at the sight of his body, the eating process may be very stressful. Thoughts about dieting, food, and body may take up most of the day. There is no more time for friends, family, and other activities he or she used to enjoy. But no matter how thin a person grew, it"s never enough. People suffering from anorexia never acknowledge the illness, but it can damage their health and even threaten their life.
So, what is the difference between healthy dieting and anorexia? First of all, healthy dieting is an attempt to control only weight, but anorexia is an attempt to control the whole life and emotions. Secondly, when dieting a person"s self-esteem is based on good mood and improving his or her appearance; as for anorexia, it is based entirely on the fact how many kilogrammes you"ve managed to lose. Thirdly, the aim of losing weight while dieting is to improve a person"s health and appearance, whereas for people having anorexia losing weight is the way to achieve happiness.
Anorexia is a very complicated disease and very difficult to cure as it involves not only body but also one"s mind. To recover from anorexia a person has to realize that he has a problem. Only in this case it is possible to get over it. Besides anorexia, there are similar diseases caused by lack of eating, for example, bulimia.
There is also another illness connected with eating disorder - obesity. A person with such a problem loses control over his or her eating. The notion "obesity" is different from "being overweight", though both terms mean that a person"s weight is greater than the standard corresponding to his or her height. Obesity occurs when a person eats more calories than he or she uses. Being obese increases the risk of diabetes, heart diseases, arthritis and some kinds of cancer. If one is obese, losing even 5 to 10 per cent of one"s weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases.
As you probably know, this problem is quite widespread in the USA. Over the last several decades obesity rates have increased for all population groups in the United States. Approximately nine million children over six years of age are considered obese. From 1980 up to 2008, the prevalence of obesity among children aged 6 to 11 years old tripled from 6.5 per cent to 19.6 per cent. It happens not only because Americans are fond of junk food and eat nothing but hamburgers. The main problem comes from genetics. American people try to cope with obesity by banning sodas, junk food and candy at school districts.
I hope that having read this topic, you have learned something useful for yourself. Nothing can be more important in the world than your health. It means that your body is your temple, which should be taken proper care of. I can give you an example of such care. A sensible, well-balanced diet will be a good beginning for keeping fit.
Moreover, you may devote about 30 minutes to physical activities 3-4 times a week just to improve your style of life. These may be some aerobic exercises, walking, cycling, jogging, swimming or dancing. Healthy way of life is a key to success.
Знаете ли вы знаменитое выражение: «Мы являемся тем, что мы едим»? Выражение это старо как мир; его смысл - для того чтобы быть здоровым, необходимо правильно питаться.
Задумываетесь ли вы над тем, что вы едите, или же это вас не волнует? Ваш ответ будет полностью определять состояние вашего здоровья. Сегодня в мире существует общепринятый эталон женской красоты, навязанный нам индустрией моды. Красивой считается девушка со стройной или даже тощей фигурой, высокая, с длинными ногами и руками. Многие девушки из кожи вон лезут, чтобы выглядеть как топ-модели, которых они каждый день видят на рекламных щитах и в телевизионных рекламах. Но эта «глянцевая» красота, которая чаще всего сделана с помощью специальных компьютерных программ, скрывает огромную, а порой даже смертельную проблему.
По сравнению со взрослыми людьми, детям необходимо употреблять больше питательных веществ, так как их кости, мышцы и кровеносная система в их теле развиваются. Эти питательные вещества - углеводы, витамины и минералы, белки и жиры - снабжают нас энергией, необходимой для роста, восстановления тканей, иммунитета и обмена веществ. В современном мире среди подростков существует тенденция сидеть на различных диетах, для того чтобы соответствовать внешности своих кумиров. К сожалению, увлечённость диетами может привести к трагическим последствиям. Прежде всего, необходимо понять, что нельзя садиться на любую диету без предварительной консультации у врача-диетолога, иначе это может оказаться опасным для здоровья.
Некоторые девушки стараются соблюдать здоровую диету, например вегетарианскую, молочную или рисовую. Но есть и такие, которые считают, что чем меньше они едят, тем лучше себя чувствуют. И это большое заблуждение. Когда поглощённость собственной худобой преобладает в питании, в мыслях и жизни - это признак расстройства психики. Нарушение правильного питания - это заболевание, которое проявляется в серьёзной озабоченности повседневным рационом. Обычно этим заболеванием страдают подростки. Один из наиболее известных видов нарушения питания - это анорексия.
Когда человек болен анорексией, самым главным его желанием становится потеря веса. Бывает, что человек теряет способность реально оценивать свой внешний вид. Из-за страха потолстеть и отвращения к виду собственного тела процесс поглощения пищи может стать очень напряжённым и нервным. Мысли о диетах и собственной фигуре занимают практически всё время. Его больше не остаётся на семью, друзей и другие занятия, которые раньше доставляли удовольствие. Не имеет значения, насколько тощим стал человек; этого всё равно будет недостаточно. Люди, страдающие анорексией, отрицают наличие у них этого заболевания, но оно существует, постепенно разрушая тело и угрожая жизни.
Так в чём же разница между здоровой диетой и анорексией? Во-первых, диета - это попытка контролировать только лишь вес, в то время как анорексия - это попытка контролировать всю жизнь, в том числе и эмоции. Во-вторых, у человека, соблюдающего диету, чувство собственного достоинства основывается на хорошем настроении и улучшении внешнего вида; у человека, страдающего анорексией, оно основывается всецело только на том, сколько лишних килограммов ему удалось сбросить. В-третьих, цель потери веса в процессе диеты - улучшение здоровья и внешнего вида, тогда как при анорексии потеря веса - это способ достижения счастья.
Анорексия - очень сложное заболевание, которое весьма тяжело поддаётся лечению, поскольку анорексия затрагивает не только тело, но и разум человека. Для того чтобы вылечиться, человек должен признать тот факт, что он болен анорексией. Только в этом случае появляется возможность её преодолеть. Кроме анорексии, есть ещё одно похожее заболевание, вызванное неправильным питанием, - булимия.
Существует и другое заболевание, связанное с нарушением питания, - ожирение. Люди с такой проблемой не способны контролировать себя во время еды. Понятие «ожирение» отличается от понятия «избыточный вес», хотя оба этих термина означают, что вес человека превышает норму, соответствующую его росту. Ожирение возникает, когда человек ест больше, чем его организм может переработать. Оно увеличивает риск таких заболеваний, как диабет, сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, артрит и некоторые виды рака. Если человек, страдающий ожирением, сбросит 5 - 10 % своего веса, это может предотвратить возникновение некоторых из вышеперечисленных болезней.
Как вы, наверное, знаете, эта проблема широко распространена в Соединённых Штатах Америки. За последние десятилетия количество американцев, страдающих ожирением, возросло среди всех социальных групп. Приблизительно 9 миллионов детей старше шести лет предрасположены к этому заболеванию. С 1980 по 2008 г. распространение болезни среди детей в возрасте от 6 до 11 лет утроилось - от 6,5 до 19,6 %. Это происходит не только вследствие того, что американцы очень часто едят в ресторанах быстрого питания, где нет ничего, кроме гамбургеров и чизбургеров. Главная проблема кроется в генетике. Американцы стараются бороться с ожирением, запрещая продавать на территории школ лимонады, продукты быстрого питания и сладости.
Надеюсь, что, прочитав эту тему, вы вынесли нечто полезное для себя самого. Ничто в жизни не может быть более важным, чем ваше здоровье. Ваше тело - это ваш храм, о котором нужно постоянно заботиться. Благоразумная, сбалансированная диета станет хорошим началом вашей заботы о собственном здоровье.
Кроме того, вы можете 3-4 раза в неделю в течение примерно 30 минут дать себе какую-либо физическую нагрузку. Это могут быть упражнения аэробики, пешая прогулка, катание на велосипеде, пробежка, плавание или танцы. Здоровый образ жизни - ключ к успеху.
1. Are modern
people very much concentrated on being healthy?
2. What is done for people in order to improve their style of
3. Do you know any proverbs or sayings about keeping fit?
4. What is the reason of young girls" preoccupation with
5. How can you explain the reason of irregular eating?
6. What adequate nutrition should you receive to be healthy?
7. Metabolism is a process of your body breaking down food and
regulating energy, isn"t it?
8. What is the most important thing for every person?
9. What is sold at your school canteen? Can you name these
products - junk food?
10. How can you help people who have anorexia?
saying - высказывание
as old as the hills - старо как мир
proper - правильный
to determine - определять
health condition - состояние здоровья
metabolism - обмен веществ
generally accepted - общепринятый
pearl of beauty - эталон красоты
to foist - навязывать
fashion industry - индустрия моды
slim - тонкий, стройный
skinny - тощий, костлявый
advertisement hoarding - рекламный щит
glossy - глянцевый
to conceal - скрывать
mortal - смертельный
nutrient - питательное вещество
to develop - развивать
carbohydrate - углевод
protein - белок
fat - жир
to provide - обеспечивать
tissue repair - восстановление тканей
immunity - иммунитет
to be in line with - следовать
idol - кумир
passion for - страстное увлечение, пристрастие
to turn out - оказываться
dietitian - врач-диетолог
preoccupation - поглощённость, увлечённость
eating disorder - нарушение питания
concern - обеспокоенность, тревога
dread - страх
disgust - отвращение
to damage - уничтожать
attempt - попытка
self-esteem - чувство собственного достоинства
to improve - улучшать
appearance - внешность
entirely - всецело, полностью
to cure - лечить
to involve - включать, вовлекать
to recover - вылечиваться
to get over - преодолеть
obesity - ожирение
overweight - излишний вес
to occur - появляться
diabetes - диабет
arthritis - артрит
cancer - рак
to delay - замедлять, задерживать
to prevent - предотвращать
to be widespread - быть распространённым
approximately - приблизительно
prevalence - распространение
to triple - утраиваться
junk food - вредная еда
to cope with - справляться с
to ban - запрещать
soda - здесь: газировка
temple - храм
proper - должный, правильный
sensible - разумный
jogging - бег трусцой
Last Updated on October 23, 2019
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We have all heard that having healthy habits such as eating well, staying active, and staying on top of our health screenings is really important.
But have you ever really thought about why these things are so important, and how they all work together?
The good news is it"s not hard to build healthy, positive activities into your life. No matter how old you are or , you can systematically introduce small changes into what you do daily.
So in this article, we will profile 192 healthy habits that you should consider adding to your life. You don"t have to do all of these, but feel free to review this list and find the ones that best fit your personal situation. First, let"s start with a quick definition.
What You Will Learn
What Are Healthy Habits?
A healthy habit is any activity or behavior that can benefit your physical, mental, or emotional well-being. At first, these small changes might not seem that effective. But when put together dozens of these tiny habits you can create a framework for a healthy life.
It is important to remember that healthy habits can be created in stages. What might be an unhealthy habit for one person today may be a healthy habit for someone else.
For example, pretend you have an unhealthy habit of eating two bowls of ice cream every night. Cutting this down to one bowl or even just half a bowl is making progress towards the healthy habit of cutting down on unhealthy food. However, for someone who doesn"t eat these foods to begin with, eating a bowl of ice cream a night would not be considered a healthy habit.
Start where you are and make progress towards habits that will be healthy for you.
In this list of 192 healthy habits, you will learn about eating better, exercising, and having an overall healthy lifestyle.
While some may not apply to all people, these habits are a great starting point for anyone who may be looking to better themselves.
Physical Activity (Fitness)
Getting physical activity benefits both your body and your mind. It helps keep your weight in control, fights off chronic diseases, reduces stress, improves your mood, and gives you a sense of accomplishment.
Getting physical activity does not have to involve hours at the gym. Instead, there are many ways that you can make small changes throughout the day to make your life less sedentary and get your body moving.
You can even involve your friends or family in your physical activity so you can have some time to interact with the people you love while also benefiting your body. There are so many types of physical activities that you could add to your day, it is just important to find one that you enjoy and stick with it.
1. Do housework.
12. Go rock climbing.
13. Go geocaching.
14. Workout during TV commercials.
Getting physical activity does not have to involve hours at the gym. Take a dance break!
Forgiveness (Healthy Lifestyle)
While forgiveness may seem like an antiquated notion of our rushed and quick-to-react society, there are many health benefits to it, even today.
When you are consciously able to let something go, even without an apology, it reduces your anger, stress, and tension.
The physical burden of feeling hurt takes a toll on the body, so being able to release those negative feelings and replace them with positivity is a healthy habit.
Choosing to not forgive someone increases your anger and contributes to a feeling of loss of control. Holding onto a grudge can increase muscle tension, heart rate, and blood pressure, which are all harmful to your health.
Being able to forgive someone will also improve your sleep. You will not spend time lying in bed at night ruminating over something that happened in the past, or planning what kind of retaliation you want to make. If you can meditate and fully forgive someone else, you can focus more on you and your own well-being.
Finally, being able to forgive can strengthen your relationship with your friends and family. Avoiding deep-seeded strains in close relationships is an important part of feeling connected to those around you and living life in harmony with people who cross your path. Maintaining healthy relationships is a key component of living a healthy lifestyle.
16. Don"t go to sleep angry.
17. Focus on understanding yourself instead of blaming others.
35. Stay away from fun-size candy bars and other treats.
37. Make your own single-serving snack packs.
38. Limit distractions during meal times.
40. Stick to your grocery list.
42. Take smaller bites and eat slowly.
43. Chew your food at least five times before swallowing.
Preventive Health Care Screening
People tend to go to the doctor when they become ill, or when an unfamiliar symptom pops up. From there, the doctor works with the patient to treat the problem in hopes that it will go away. But what if the problem never happened in the first place?
For example, if you notice a small mark on your skin that has seemingly popped up out of nowhere and you don"t know what it is, this could be a sign of skin cancer that can rapidly spread throughout your body. Don"t ignore these things and hope they will go away. Instead, be proactive and visit a dermatologist every year to get checkups so they can look over your skin for anything that they may find suspicious.
It is important to be proactive about your health, regardless of if you are sick or not. Doctors may give advice on preventative measures for diseases that run in your family, or even just catch a health problem before it becomes too late. Catching health issues early is the key, so make sure that you are paying attention to your physical health no matter how you actually feel.
43. Annual physical exam.
44. Thyroid test (for women only).
45. Bone mineral density test (women).
46. Mammogram (women).
47. Colonoscopy.
48. Fasting plasma glucose test.
49. Eye exam.
50. Hearing test.
51. Dental exam and cleaning.
52. Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening (for men only).
53. Blood pressure screening.
54. Cholesterol screening.
55. Prostate screening (men).
56. Lung cancer screening.
57. Testicular self-exam (men).
58. Pap test and HPV test (women).
59. Chlamydia test (women).
60. Gonorrhea test (women).
61. HIV test and other sexually transmitted infection tests.
62. Skin exams.
63. Influenza (flu) vaccine.
64. Hepatitis A vaccine.
65. Hepatitis B vaccine.
66. Herpes zoster vaccine.
67. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
68. MMR (measles, mumps, rubella).
69. Meningococcal (meningitis).
70. Pneumonia vaccine.
71. Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis.
72. Varicella (chicken pox).
Suggested Timeline for Routine Health Screening:
Schedule for men:
- Physical exam: Every two to three years for men 18 and over.
- Colonoscopy: Every 7-10 years for men 50 and over.
- Hearing test: Once every 10 years for men ages 18-50, once every 3 years for men 51 and over.
- Dental cleaning: Twice a year for men over 18.
- Blood pressure screening: Every two years after the age of 18.
- Prostate screening: Beginning at age 50.
- Skin exam: Yearly, beginning at the age of 18.

Schedule for women
- Physical exam: Annual.
- Bone mineral density test: Beginning at age 65.
- Mammogram: Every one to two years starting at age 40.
- Clinical breast exam: Every three years for women who are 20-40.
- Colonoscopy: Every 7-10 years for women 50 and over.
- Fasting plasma glucose test: Every three years beginning at age 45.
- Eye exam: One before the age of 30, as recommended by a doctor after age 40, every one to two years after age 65.
- Dental cleaning: Twice a year for women over 18.
- Blood pressure screening: Every two years beginning at the age of 18.
- Cholesterol screening: Every five years starting at age 35.
- Pap test: Every three years for women ages 21-29, every five years for women 30-65, testing may be discontinued at age 65 if no previous problems have occurred.
- Skin exam: Yearly after the age of 18.
Adequate Sleep (Healthy Living)
Sleep plays a very important role in maintaining general well-being and a healthy lifestyle. can help protect your mental and physical health, your overall quality of life, and your safety.
How you feel while you"re awake is greatly dependent on the quality of sleep you are getting at night. While you are sleeping, your body is replenishing itself to support healthy brain function and optimize your physical health. Sleep also plays a large role in the growth and development of children.
Sleep deficiency can happen both quickly and over time. If you are losing sleep on a regular basis, you may raise your risk for chronic health problems, experience trouble thinking during the day, have delayed reactions, have poor performance at work, experience learning difficulties, and have problems developing relationships.
If you do not give your body a chance to restore itself from expending energy all day and prepare itself for the energy you will need the following day, your health will certainly suffer.
73. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon.
74. Avoid heavy meals close to bedtime.
75. Keep your pets out of the bed.
77. Don’t drink too many fluids before bed.
79. Set your room temperature between 60-67 degrees F.
86. Learn how to get back to sleep.
87. Make sure that the room is dark and quiet.
Give yourself the chance to sleep better b quitting smoking and other addictive substances.
Try Something New (Healthy Lifestyle)
Everyone gets into a typical routine where they do the same thing pretty much every day. However, there are many ways to mix up your schedule a bit so you can try new things. Changing your routine will help you .
If you are hesitant at first, you may end up surprised at how much you enjoy your new activity or the new people you meet. Trying new things will lead to increased confidence and a higher level of self-esteem, while also reducing boredom and loneliness. This will help drive your personal growth, improve your health, and increase longevity.
89. Learn a new language.
90. Watch a foreign language film (with subtitles, of course).
91. Try eating at a new restaurant. Let the waiter pick out your meal.
92. Travel to somewhere you"ve never been before.
93. Sign up and attend a class related to your work.
94. Try a new sport.
126. Engage in voluntary, self-initiated laughter.
127. Schedule time to watch funny videos on YouTube.
128. Spend more time with your pets.
129. Read funny books or newspaper comics.
130. Have a favorite comedian.
131. Watch a stand-up comedy show live or on YouTube.
133. Meet up with old friends and reminisce.
134. Visit an amusement park.
135. Look at your old pictures.
Family and Friends (Healthy Lifestyle)
We are not created to live alone. We are born with our mothers, and quite possibly other surrounding family members. Throughout various stages of life, we depend on other people to help us accomplish things along the way.
In order to do most anything, you have to have some sort of cooperation of other people. Humans have evolved to cooperate in order to survive. Having both family and friends that you can rely on, turn to, and socialize with will give you a sense of belonging and allow you to relate to people who share your values and beliefs.
A very important part of self-care is to make it a priority to develop and maintain human relationships. Sometimes it takes effort during our busy lives to keep in touch with all of our loved ones, but it is a very healthy habit to do so.
136. Make it a point to eat dinner together as a family.
137. Schedule a weekly family night.
138. Schedule yearly family vacations.
139. Exercise, do chores, and play together.
140. Read bedtime stories to young kids, and share books with older ones.
141. Keep and continue to grow your family photo albums.
142. Get to know your children"s friends.
143. Help your kids with homework.
144. Go camping together.
145. Bring your kids to school.
146. Leave love or encouraging notes.
147. Work on common goals with (a) friend(s). Be each other"s accountability partner.
148. Host a sleepover.
149. Plan a reading date with your friend(s).
150. Help your friends with chores.
151. Meet up with friends for lunch at least once a month.
It"s a healthy habit to keep in touch with all of our loved ones. Make it a priority to develop and maintain human relationships.
Address Addictive Behaviors
When you think about the word “addiction,” you may only think of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use.
However, there are other behaviors that may be healthy in moderation, but that can end up becoming addictions. Things like food, caffeine, Internet usage, and gambling can all become addictive for some people.
There are safe levels for these types of behaviors, and we need to recognize and address our habits in order to know when they are in excess. Studies have shown that there are connections between impulsiveness, compulsiveness, and addiction.
You have to be able to self-reflect to see if you have any repetitive behaviors that you do without a rational motivation.
A full-blown addiction occurs when you have an inability to stop a harmful behavior even though it has negative consequences. If you see a problem, it is important to act to address the issue.
152. Start by admitting that you have a problem.
153. Understand the consequences of your addictive behavior.
154. Assess how bad your addictive behavior is.
155. Know and consider your personality.
156. Discover what"s driving the behavior.
157. Understand your habit loop. Identify your triggers. Learn .
158. Engage in a new, different routine that disrupts your addictive behavior.
159. Keep an accountability journal. (like the )
161. If you feel you need professional help, consider seeing a therapist.
Quiet Your Mind (Healthy Living)
167. Practice pranayama.
174. Practice mindful eating.
175. Take a digital break regularly.
176. Take a music break.
Gratitude (Healthy Living)
Reminding yourself what you are grateful for each day will help keep your spirits up and fend off any lingering depression. Focus on the positives in your life rather than the negatives, and keep your strengths in mind as you start each day.
Making this deliberate point of being thankful for everything you have in your life is beneficial for your happiness and overall well-being. Sometimes we forget the small things that we take for granted every day that we actually wouldn"t know what to do without.
179. Give at least one compliment every day.
180. Say thank you
181. Say grace before meals.
182. Each morning, think of at least three things you are grateful for.
183. Smile more often.
184. Volunteer for organizations or causes you believe in.
185. Write a friend, relative or new acquaintance a for being part of your life.
186. Make a gratitude collage.
190. “Look for the helpers.” – Fred Rogers
192. Reward effort.
Reminding yourself what you are grateful for each day will help keep your spirits up and fend off any lingering depression.
When you practice healthy habits, you increase your chances of living a longer and healthier life. Even if you start small, you can significantly reduce your chances of developing a chronic disease or dying prematurely compared with those who practice only unhealthy habits.
Bad habits may certainly be difficult to break, but once you are able to get in the routine of practicing healthy habits, you will not regret your decision to make the effort. While your behavioral changes may not occur overnight, it is important to be patient and take small steps one day at a time.
I hope you enjoyed this extensive list of healthy habits. I hope you are not daunted by the sheer number of tasks required to live a healthy lifestyle. It is a lot, but we do not need to be 100% perfect all the time.
If you recognize the importance of these healthy habits and do your personal best to incrementally improve you are leagues ahead of those who have no idea what healthy living is all about. ( .)
Good health is very important for very person. Still, sometimes we get ill, we call a doctor, and he examines us and diagnoses the illness. When we have a headache, a stomach ache, a sore throat, a cold, or a pain in some parts of the body, we call a doctor. He takes our temperature and our pulse. He examines our heart, our lungs, our stomach or the part where we have pain, and tells us what the matter is with us. The doctor prescribes medicine, and gives us a prescription, which we take to the chemist"s, who makes up the medicine.
If you follow the doctor"s orders, you get better; if you disobey the doctor, you may get worse, and even die. We must obey the doctor, if we want to get better. If we have a temperature, we must stay in bed and take the medicine he prescribes. If we cannot get better at home we must go to hospital. If we are too ill to walk, we go to hospital in the ambulance. After our illness we can go to a sanatorium until we are strong again.
When we have toothache, we go to the dentist"s. He examines our teeth, finds the tooth which hurts us, stops or extracts it.
In our country health system incorporates a variety of medical institutions. The medical service is of two kinds. Some state establishments give their employees medical insurance cards. They guarantee the people free of charge medical assistance. Some medical establishments charge fees for treatment. They may be rather high, but our medical service now uses all modern equipment and medicines and provides qualified medical help to all people.
Хорошее здоровье очень важно для любого человека. Тем не менее, иногда мы заболеваем, и мы вызываем врача, он осматривает нас и диагностирует болезни. Когда у нас головная боль, боли в животе, боли в горле, насморк или боли в некоторых других частях тела, мы вызываем врача. Он измеряет температуру и пульс. Он исследует наше сердце, легкие, наш желудок или ту часть тела, где у нас есть боль, и говорит нам в чем дело с нами. Врач выписывает лекарства и дает нам рецепт, который мы несём в аптеку, которая изготавливает лекарства.
Если вы следуете указаниям врача, то вам становится лучше, если вы не слушаетесь врача, вы можете получить осложнения и даже умереть. Мы должны слушаться доктора, если мы хотим, чтобы стало лучше. Если у вас повышенная температура, вы должны оставаться в постели и принять лекарство, которое он предписал. Если нам не становится лучше дома, мы должны идти в больницу. Если мы слишком больны, чтобы идти, мы едем в больницу в машине скорой помощи. После нашей болезни мы можем поехать в санаторий, чтобы набраться сил.
Когда у нас болит зуб, мы идем к дантисту. Он исследует наши зубы, находит зуб, который болит, пломбирует или вырывает его.
Система здравоохранения нашей страны включает в себя различные медицинские учреждения. Медицинское обслуживание бывает двух видов. Некоторые государственные учреждения предоставляют своим работникам медицинское страхование. Оно гарантируют людям бесплатную медицинскую помощь. Некоторые медицинские учреждения взымают плату за лечение. Она может быть достаточно высокой, но наше медицинское обслуживание в настоящее время использует современное оборудование и медикаменты, и обеспечивает квалифицированную медицинскую помощь всем людям.
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